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Beware of Benefit Cheats & Ensure Your Security

Adrian Mudd   April 30, 2008

Benefit cheats may have the work cut out to swindle ill-gotten gains if new spy technology has its way. Utilising the sort of high tech equipment you’d find in a spy store, Edinburgh Council hopes to catch out benefit cheats.

According to a report in the Edinburgh Evening News, Edinburgh council plan to implement the use of spy technology, that wouldn’t be out of place in Mission Impossible, to capture benefit cheats who are claiming money that they are not entitled to. Using spy store staples such as voice analysis software and lie detecting devices, the council hope that they will be able to establish which people are claiming benefits erroneously.

Money Matters

coins and pens

Venture into any spy store and you are likely to come across all manner of listening devices, voice analysis equipment and bug detectors, but according to the report in the Edinburgh Evening News, the Edinburgh council hope to utilise spy equipment in a fairly unique way to capture benefit cheats in the Scottish capital.

The council aim to use voice detection software that is capable or measuring fluctuations in a person’s voice that can indicate whether or not someone is likely to be stressed. The person suspected of benefit fraud will have their voice recorded at the beginning of the phone call and then the voice detection software will measure it against the voice after they are asked to provide evidence to back up their benefit claims.

Errant Deterrent

Spy technology, from spy store regulars like spy cameras and counter surveillance tools to high tech spy devices used in fights against crime and terrorism, is advancing more or less on a daily basis and Edinburgh council hope their own slice of spy gadgetry will prevent bogus benefit claims.

According to the report in the Edinburgh Evening News, the council hope that their spy equipment will be seen as a deterrent to those contemplating committing benefit fraud but insist they won’t be using spy technology solely to make fraud decisions.

Speaking to the Edinburgh Evening News, a spokesman for the Edinburgh council stated, “We are committed to continually renewing our fight against fraud and the public rightly expect us to examine whether the most innovative techniques are appropriate.”

If you would like to speak to us about the issues raised in this article or would like advice on the best pieces of spy equipment to help you gather crucial evidence, please contact our team.

We are able to point you in the direction of the best spy devices, many of which have been manufactured by Spy Equipment UK here in Britain.