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Spying From the Skies With Spy Cameras

Adrian Mudd   June 17, 2013

As technology becomes increasingly more portable, spy cameras have followed suit in various forms. Eyes in the skies are now watching for events that were previously not monitored, but recording them is now ‘the norm.’

Those undertaking covert surveillance operations engage in this activity for a multiplicity of reasons. Some are merely curious despite an old but potentially wise saying which advises that curiosity killed the cat. Others do it for scientific research or security reasons. Yet more people undertake this covert activity to gather business intelligence.

Uses of Spy Cameras & Aerial Surveillance

The recent improved accessibility of equipment such as cameras has revealed a whole panorama of uses thanks to redesign plus portability and improved replay quality. News channels regularly screen incidents where spy cameras have been utilised in order to obtain information. This informs the public and acts as a warning to those who are intent on conducting unsociable or illegal activities. A fairly recent innovation is the move from static surveillance to utilising mobile equipment in order to gather material on the move. Aerial surveillance in some form has taken place over many decades and is more often associated with wartime and unrest rather than peacetime. In recent times some airborne cameras have been utilised for a range of diverse tasks from identifying crop circles and burial barrows to photographing individual houses from the sky. The resulting pictures of land and houses may then be offered as a framed picture for householders to purchase or as a piece for other forms of print.

Aerial Cameras Deserve a Second Impression

Spy cameras are well accepted within society although not by everyone. News teams and security services all make pertinent use of access to aerial surveillance thereby providing live information to support their industry. A favourite development is the use of miniature craft upon which the latest video surveillance equipment can be mounted although the average member of the public might consider this format to be associated with war zones. Once again this impression is most likely a result of information gleaned from news and documentary sources.

The latest covert surveillance, which utilise a spy camera may or may not be accepted in a court of law because every case is individual. Visual clarity on replay can be very helpful in support a defence or prosecution and sometimes both. This makes appropriate equipment selection and correct positioning a crucial factor when undertaking any project involving wireless or mains direct connect equipment. Of interest too is whether you require sound alongside your visual connection. The latter has proven of use in cases of cruelty plus fraud and other criminal activities. Aerial and ground surveillance has moved on a long way from the days of taking pictures from balloons or holding heavy cameras with oversized lenses to benefit of all those not undertaking illicit activity. Contact us to learn more about plain view or hidden cameras being used from above and to find out which of our products suits your need, scenario or personal situation.