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Top 5 Spy Gadgets to Protect your Bike

Adrian Mudd   September 10, 2014

As we all try to become healthier and more environmentally-friendly, many of us are investing in expensive new bikes to transport us around. Whilst this is great for your bank balance in the long run, cutting on fuel costs and gym memberships, a stolen bike can have a seriously detrimental effect on your finances. About half of dedicated cyclists will have their bike stolen within 23 months. Here is how you can protect your bike with spy gadgets.

Although using good locks and common sense is a great way to protect your bike from theft, sometimes a little extra help in the way of intelligent spy gear is needed. With spy equipment, you can monitor your bike to deter thieves and track its progress if stolen to ensure it doesn’t slip through your fingers. Here are some spy gadgets that will help protect your bike from would be, light fingered thieves.

Micro Tracker – A Leading Spy Gadget

Bike Theft Solutions

Attaching a tiny 67 x 46 x 17mm GPS Micro Tracker can allow you to see where your bike is via your phone by sending the device texts and receiving replies with coordinates and images from Google Maps and even Street View. There is even a built in motion sensor giving tracking alerts when movement occurs, so if you are in the office and get a warning you know your bike has literally just been stolen.

Day and Night CCTV Camera

CCTV systems are now more affordable than ever before, and they not only protect your bike but also your home and family. CCTV cameras, like our Day / Night CCTV Camera, will deter potential bike thieves and catch anyone attempting to steal your cycles on camera, so you can show the evidence to the police if a theft does occur. This decreases the likelihood of a theft at home, and increases the chances of retrieving a stolen bike.

outdoor camera fitted in UK

Tiny Black Box Spy Camera System

If you want to keep an eye on your bike out and about, a mini cam is a great option. Like the car tracker, attach our subtle 85 x 45 x 20mm motion-activated device – the Tiny Black Box Spy Camera System – inside a light or somewhere on the bike that would allow the camera to record where the bike is taken, and hopefully also the face of the offending thief. Used in conjunction with registering your bike, or a bike tracker, when you get your bicycle back the date and time-stamped footage is inarguable evidence.

Protect Your Bike With a TICK Car Asset GPS Tracker

Ideal for tracking such valuable items like your motorised or push bike, the TICK Car Asset GPS Tracker is a highly sophisticated device with tremendous capabilities and power. The battery is totally enclosed on this asset tracker, so no charging is necessary at all with it. What’s more the tracking platform it uses is accessible from any web-connected device. Just deploy your TICK Car Asset GPS Tracker, log onto your device and see the whereabouts of your bike at all times.

Spy Gadgets For Your Bike’s Security

spy gadgets executive and sleek pen

Using spy equipment to prevent bicycle theft is the future of bike security, so get one of these brilliant savvy spy gadgets now and ride on! This spy pen, pictured on the right, could be the perfect spy gadget to carry around with you and catch any suspicious thieves with eyes for your bike. The five spy gadgets in this article are just some of the clever ways in which you can keep tabs on your bike when parked up or out on the go. Contact us if you would like to discuss the issue of bike theft and our pieces of spy equipment in detail.